How to decide which countries to visit in small budget ?

This is a very tricky question which arise in our minds when plan for a abroad tour and have a limited budget. Out of 192 countries which are best places to travel in the world economically. We can go to travel agent to discuss. We can look for a economical travel package on various websites. We can check a few blogging website which gives good information about places that a must visit. So here are a few solution for your query. 

  1. With our limited budget —.We would suggest to visit old friends who are scattered around the globe, but they all live in places like France, Germany, Australia… 
  2. You can visit small countries with beautiful beaches and mountains.
  3. Explore your own country first.
  4. Don't plan to live in big high rated hotels.
  5. Explore local area of a country rather than going on sophisticated pubs and bars.
  6. Try their local dishes.
