What is the future of Ruchi Soya?

Ruchi Soya was India's largest manufacturer of edible oil. Ruchi Soya has been ranked at 175 in the top 250 consumer products companies, in the "Global Powers of the Consumer Products Industry 2012", according to report published by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. 

Ruchi Soya has built a global reputation in edible oil that is a huge success. This was the reason they have got ranked in "Global Powers of the Consumer Products Industry 2012" Due to many reason, Lot of big corporations including Patanjali are eager to buy Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd. 

So, if we talk about Future of Ruchi Soya. It is bright in both the cases, wheather someone acquires it or not. As they have the biggest asset with them that they have the largest edible oil manufacturing unit in the India.
